We draw from the evidence base in our work and are active researchers contributing to expanding the understandings of life after brain injury.
The list of our publications
Corlett, H., & Breuer, L (2018). Using mindfulness to improve staff wellbeing in a stroke MDT. UK Stroke Forum Abstracts, 267. International Journal of Stroke, 13, 3S, 63.
Breuer, L (2018). PROMPT: a new mnemonic for assessing risk of self-harm in a stroke MDT context. UK Stroke Forum Abstracts, 266. International Journal of Stroke, 13, 3, 63.
Haddow, L., Barber, T., Breuer, L., Cartledge, J., & Pierce, K. (2016). Evidence-based perspectives on the implementation of screening for neurocognitive impairment in HIV. Neurobehavioural HIV Medicine, 7, 31-41.
Breuer, L., & Barker, C. (2015). Online support groups for depression: benefits and barriers. Sage Open, 5, (2), 1-8.
Barber, T., Cartledge, J., Breuer, L. & Haddow, L. (2014). Psychological screening coverage and symptom prevalence in routine HIV outpatient care, newly diagnosed patients and referrals for treatment advice. HIV Medicine, 15, 74-74.
Ferguson, E.F. (2020). Anonymised book chapter in: Reuber, M., Rawlings, G., & Schachter, S. (Eds.). Non-Epileptic Seizures in our Experience. Oxford University Press.
Ferguson, E.F. (2020). ‘I know it, but I don’t feel it’: Reflections on using compassion focused therapy (CFT) to tackle the limitations of traditional cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) after acquired brain injury (ABI). The Neuropsychologist, 9, 30-36.
Ferguson, EF. (2019). Does kindness conquer all? NeuroRehabilitation Times, Q1.
Ferguson, E.F. (2018). “I know it, but I don’t feel it”: How CFT can tackle CBT’s limitations after brain injury. Poster presented at: UKABIF 10th Annual Conference; Nov 5; London, UK.
Ferguson, E.F. (2018). “I know it, but I don’t feel it”: How CFT can tackle CBT’s limitations after brain injury. Poster presented at: The Compassionate Mind Foundation’s 7th International Conference – Cultivating Compassion, Positive Emotion and Well-Being; Oct 3-5; London, UK.
Ferguson, E.F. (2017). “Applying for PIP following ABI: Appeals, awareness and advocacy”. The Neuropsychologist, Issue 4.
Ferguson, E.F. (2016). “She’s the same but not the same”: The experience of adjustment to relationship changes in men whose female partners have an acquired brain injury. Poster presented at: British Psychological Society, Division of Neuropsychology 5th Annual Conference; Nov 17-18; London, UK.
O Donnchadha, S., Burke. T., Bramham, J., O’Brien MC, Whelan, R., Reilly, R., Kiiski, H., Lonergan, R., Kinsella, K., Kelly, S., McGuigan C., Hutchinson, M. and Tubridy N. (2013). Symptom Overlap in Anxiety and Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis, 19(10), 1349-54.
O’Brien, MC., das Nair, R. & Lincoln, N.B. (2012). A comparison of the content of memory rehabilitation groups for neurological patients. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation; An international journal. 23(3), 321-332.
Parry, R., & Soeterik, S. (2021). Compassionate Pragmatism and Windows of Therapeutic Opportunity. Presentation at: The British Psychological Society Division of Neuropsychology Annual Conference 2021, 15th October, UK.
Saverino, A., Waller, D., Rantell, K., Parry, R., Moriarty, A. & Playford, D. (2016). The role of cognitive factors in predicting balance and fall risk in a neuro-rehabilitation setting. PLoS ONE, 11(4):e0153469.
Saverino, A., Moriarty, A. Rantell, K., Waller, D., Parry, R. & Playford, D. (2015). A qualitative
description of falls in a neuro-rehabilitation unit: the use of a standardised fall report including the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) to describe activities and environmental factors. Disability & Rehabilitation, 37(4), 355-62.
Butler, S. M., Parry, R., & Fearon, R. M. P. (2014). Antisocial Thinking in Adolescents: Further
Psychometric Development of the Antisocial Beliefs and Attitudes Scale (ABAS). Psychological Assessment. Advance online publication. November, 10.
Soeterik, S.M., Connolly, S., Playford, E, D., Duport, S., & Riazi, A. (Submitted). Struggling to achieve balance: A focus group study of the experiences of multidisciplinary healthcare professionals in prolonged disorders of consciousness. Disability and Rehabilitation.
Soeterik, S.M, Turner, E., & Sanchez-Perez, A. (2018). “How many people in my house?”:
Family members experiences of intensive domiciliary community care following brain injury. Poster presented at: From neurotechnologies to community care. 10th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation. February 7-10, Mumbai, India. Abstract published in Neurorehabilitation and neural repair, 32 (4-5), 468.
Warren, L., & Soeterik, S. (2018). Clinicians perspectives on the use of social media after
brain injuries. The Neuropsychologist, 5, 67 – 74
Soeterik, S.M., Connolly, S., & Riazi, A. (2018). “Neither a wife nor a widow”: An
interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of female family caregivers in disorders of consciousness. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 28(8), 1392-1407.
Soeterik, S.M., Connolly, S., Playford, E, D., Duport, S., & Riazi, A. (2017). The psychological impact of prolonged disorders of consciousness on caregivers: a systematic review of quantitative studies. Clinical Rehabilitation, 31(10):1374-1385
Hitchen, H., Magee, W.L., & Soeterik, S. (2010). Music therapy in the treatment of patients with neuro-behavioural disorders stemming from acquired brain injury. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 19 (1), 63 – 78.
Duport, S., Worsley, A., Twiston-Davies, R., Broadhurst, L., Hopkins, C., Daveson, B., Soeterik, S., Crawford, S., Gale, E., Scott, A., Baker, M., Finch, H., Salanio, D.M., Cabungcal, J., Dauya, L., Ojuluwayo, R. (2008). Analysis of falls of patients in the later stages of Huntington’s disease in a specialist unit. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 79 (Supplement 1), A16.
Pender, N, P., & Soeterik, S. M. (2002). Positive approaches to the management of challenging behaviour in severe brain injury. British Psychological Society Conference Proceedings, 10(2),93
Soeterik, S.M., Connolly, S. A. V., & Riazi, A. (2016, November). “Neither a wife nor a widow”: An IPA investigation of the experience of women with disorders of consciousness. Poster Session presented at the meeting of British Psychological Society Division of Neuropsychology Annual Conference, London.
Soeterik, S.M. (2014). International Brain Injury Symposium 2014 Report. Advances in Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation,14, I4.
Soeterik, S.M., Connolly, S. A. V., & Riazi, A. (2015, March). Complex grieving and the role of staff. Paper presented at The National Brain Injury Symposium: complexity and best practice conference, Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, London.
Soeterik, S.M., Connolly, S. A. V., & Riazi, A. (2015, June). “Neither a wife nor a widow”: Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness, the experience of staff and families. Paper presented at The Neuro-disability and British Society of Disability and Oral Health Conference, Canterbury.
Soeterik, S.M., Connolly, S. A. V., & Riazi, A. (2016, September). Complex coping and complex caring: The experiences of families and healthcare professionals supporting people with disorders of consciousness. Paper presented at the Recent advances in the assessment, diagnosis and MDT management of people with disorders of consciousness Conference, Liphook, Hampshire.
Chamove, A.S., & Soeterik, S.M. (2006). Grief in returning sojourners. Journal of Social Science, 13(3), 215-220.
Channon, S. & Crawford, S. (1999). Problem-solving in real-life-type situations: the effects of anterior and posterior lesions on performance. Neuropsychologia, 37, 757-770.
Channon, S. & Crawford, S. (2000). The effects of anterior lesions on performance on a story comprehension test: left anterior impairment on a theory of mind-type task. Neuropsychologia, 38, 1006-1017.
Channon, S., Charman, T., Heap, J., Crawford, S. & Rios, P. (2001). Real-life-type problem-solving in Asperger’s syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 31, 461-469.
Channon, S., Crawford, S., Robertson, M.M. (2001). Problem-solving and executive functioning in Tourette syndrome. (Abstract) Cognitive Neuroscience Society Abstracts, Supp, p.47.
Crawford, S. & Channon, S. (2002). Dissociation between performance on abstract tests of executive function and problem solving in real-life-type situations in normal aging. Aging and Mental Health, 6, 12-21.
Channon, S., Crawford, S., Vakili, K. & Robertson, M.M. (2003). Real-life-type problem solving in Tourette syndrome. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 16, 3-15.
Crawford.S., Channon, S. and Robertson, M.M. (2005). Tourette’s syndrome: Performance on tests of behavioural inhibition, working memory and gambling. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46. 1327-1336.
Crawford, S. and Beaumont, J.G. (2005). Psychological needs of patients in low awareness states, their families, and health professionals. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 15, 548-555.
Drury, H., Martinos, M., Robertson, M.M., Orth, M., Crawford, S., Channon, S. (2008). Tourette’s syndrome: Inhibitory performance in adults with uncomplicated TS. Poster presented at Experimental Psychology Society.
Channon, S., Drury, H., Martinos, M., Robertson, M.M., Orth, M. & Crawford, S. (2009). Tourette’s Syndrome (TS): Inhibitory performance in adults with uncomplicated TS. Neuropsychology, 23, 359-366.
Channon, S. & Crawford, S. (2010). Mentalising and social problem-solving after brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 20, 739-759.
Drury, H., Channon, S., Barrett, R., Young, M.B., Stern, J.S., Simmons, H, & Crawford, S. (2012). Emotional processing and executive functioning in children and adults with Tourette’s syndrome. Child Neuropsychology, 18, 281-298.
Channon, S., Crawford, S., Orlowska, D., Parikh, N. & Thoma, P. (2014). Mentalising and social problem solving in adults with Asperger’s syndrome. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 19, 149-163.
Bellesi, G., Jameel, L., Vyas, K., Crawford, S. & Channon, S. (2016). Using and reasoning about social strategies in autism spectrum disorder in everyday situations. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 25, 112-121.
Vyas, K., Jameel, L., Bellesi, G., Crawford, S., Channon, S. (2017). Derailing the trolley: Everyday utilitarian judgments in groups high versus low in psychopathic traits or autistic traits. Psychiatry Research 250, 84-91.
Drury, H., Shah, S., Stern, J.S., Crawford, S., Channon. (2017). Comprehension of direct and indirect sarcastic remarks in children with Tourette’s syndrome. Child Neuropsychology. Online p.1-20, 8 February 2017.
Pundole A. & Crawford S. (2017). The assessment of language and the emergence from disorders of consciousness. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2017.1307766.
Illman N.A. & Crawford S. (2017). Late recovery from ‘permanent’ vegetative state in the context of severe brain injury: a case report exploring objective and subjective aspects of recovery and rehabilitation. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2017.1313167.
Vyas, K., Jameel, L., Bellesi, G., Crawford, S., Channon, S. (2017). Derailing the trolley: Everyday utilitarian judgments in groups high versus low in psychopathic traits or autistic traits. Psychiatry Research 250, 84-91.
Pundole A. & Crawford S. (2017). The assessment of language and the emergence from disorders of consciousness. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2017.1307766
Illman N.A. & Crawford S. (2017). Late recovery from ‘permanent’ vegetative state in the context of severe brain injury: a case report exploring objective and subjective aspects of recovery and rehabilitation. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2017.1313167
Drury, H., Shah, S., Stern, J.S., Crawford, S., Channon. S. (2018). Comprehension of direct and indirect sarcastic remarks in children with Tourette’s syndrome. Child Neuropsychology, 24, 490-509.
Jameel, L., Vyas, K., Bellesi, G., Crawford, S., Channon, S. (2019). Thinking about other’s mistakes: contrasting patterns of performance in groups high or low in autistic or psychopathic traits. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 24, 369-385.
Clinical Publications
Wilford, S., Pundole, A., Crawford, S., Hanrahan, A. (2018). The Putney Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness Toolkit: A set of practical resources to support the assessment and monitoring of patients in a Prolonged Disorder of Consciousness. The Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability: open access online resource for clinicians
Soeterik, S. M. (2019). What makes a good assessment of Mental Capacity , Mental Capacity Advisory Group, The British Psychological Society.
Soeterik, S. M & Irwin, R. (2021). Supporting people who lack mental capacity: A guide to Best Interests Decision Making. Mental Capacity Advisory Group, The British Psychological Society.
Soeterik, S. M & Herbert, C. (2022 in press). Testamentary Mental Capacity. Mental Capacity Advisory Group, The British Psychological Society.